
Tuesday 30 December 2008


"Oracle PL-SQL is the same as Microsoft T-SQL. If you know one, you know the other"

Not really.
Here are a few differences, some of them can have a serious impact of the way you write sproc code.

  • T-SQL: stored procedures return result sets very easily: all you have to do is write a select statement without any 'INTO'. PL-SQL: you have to select into a ref cursor and define this ref cursor as output parameter.
  • T-SQL: stored procedures do not rollback automatically if something fails. Until SQL Server 2005 you had to test @@ERROR after each and every statement and goto a handler to rollback. Ugly, tedious and error-prone. In 2005 you can use a TRY CATCH, which is much more elegant. However you still have to rollback explicitly
    PL-SQL: sprocs are atomic. Any error inside a sproc rolls everything back up to the point where the sproc was called.
  • T-SQL: no %TYPE! You can't refer to the type of a column without repeating it.
  • T-SQL: RAISERROR does not break the flow. It simply returns an error string or message but the sproc still returns normally. Unless you use it within a TRY block, in which case the flow is diverted to the CATCH block (for SQL 2005 and beyond). Depending on the severity level you specify, RAISERROR within a TRY block either
    • returns an error number without breaking the flow
    • jumps to the CATCH block
    • breaks the current database connection (wow!) (provided you have sysadmin role)
  • PL-SQL: raise_application_error throws an exception, exits the current sproc, rolls back till implicit savepoint at the beginning of the sproc...
Other differences:
  • Oracle does not have a BOOLEAN column type, although you can define a BOOLEAN variable in PL/SQL. SQL Server has a BIT column type where values can be only 0 or 1.


Anonymous said...

Erm... converting a string to a date - yes you can explicitly set the format in T-SQL, look at the third parameter for CONVERT.

Erm... RAISERROR does not break the flow - yes it does, if you specify an error which would break the flow. Different error levels are either informational or not.

Erm... Might be worth reading documentation sometimes.

Matt said...

string to a date: ok, fixed.

Apparently the only way you can break the flow without a TRY block is to use severity levels of 20 or higher. You have to be sysadmin and it breaks the current database connection (which is a bit violent, I just wanted to raise an exception)
I got into the habit of using TRY blocks for any sproc containing more than 2 statements. I use standard CATCH handlers that rollback to the beginning of the TRY, retrieve the last error message and re-raise it with RAISERROR so that the calling app gets a clue about what happened.