
Tuesday 22 January 2013

HTML5/CSS3/Javascript Resources


It is sunny in Langkawi because we’re in the middle of the dry season on that side of Malaysia, unlike Singapore where it’s raining all day at the moment.
This is the perfect setting to gather some resources about HTML5 and in particular to prepare for Microsoft exam 70-480.
  • Exam registration
  • upcoming Microsoft exam book.
  • From Safari Online Books:
    • Head-first HTML5 programming dives directly into the things a client apps dev is actually interested in: how to do asynchronous programming with Javascript to avoid page reloads, how to change the DOM programmatically, how to call Web services, how to execute tasks in parallel, how to use local storage, how to use geolocation and Google maps.
    • Beginning iPhone and iPad web apps
  • Test Papers (exam Q&As)
  • Some study guides:
  • HTML5 Jumpstart (Microsoft Virtual Academy)
    • The videos spend a lot of time on CSS3 (as opposed to Head-First that goes into Javascript immediately).
    • The focus is to build apps for Windows 8 rather than web apps therefore some of the CSS properties and Javascript code is Microsoft-specific.
    • There is a good demo of WinJS’s Promises, which makes asynchronous programming under Javascript look more industrial.
  • HTML5 Spec

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