
Monday 3 November 2008

Sugar Sync

Currently visiting a friend in Istanbul who showed me a useful on-line storage tool: for $50 a year you can store 26GB of data online.
  • your data is encrypted with AES, which is the least you should ask for, really.
  • the really nice thing: it comes with a client that automatically syncs your PC folders with the remote storage.
  • the sync works accross many PCs, which is cool as well.
That means you don't need to schedule back-ups of your important files, this is an automatic instant off-site backup (much more useful than my daily incremental Vista-based on-site backup).
An there's more:
  • you can access your files online over the web.
  • you can, and that's really convenient, send links to large files per email to other people. The recipient doesn't need to login to retrieve the file, he just clicks it. You get notified when he receives it.

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